Saud family members have been buying up prime properties throughout Europe. In the Geneva area complete enclaves of shore front property have been purchased by Saud family members using the usual shell companies to hide ownership. This has irritated the local citizens by driving up prices which result in higher taxes. One Swiss citizen told us that the Swiss saw the same behavior just before the Shah was deposed. He said if this pattern continues the Swiss will not be able to afford to live in certain Cantons. A Scottish citizen told us of Saud family members purchasing through shell companies large areas of farmland which villagers had used for free ranging sheep grazing. After purchase the Saud family would fence and wall off the area perturbing the local villagers. The Scottish citizen said this Saud family behavior has changed a Scottish way of life. The Scottish citizens have gone to their Government to complain about the Saud family purchases as well as the new walls and fences. The citizens of the Arabian Peninsula controlled by the Saud family must obtain the capability of repatriating the billions US$ stolen from their oil reserves by the Saud family. This will be difficult considering the elaborate intrigues of Ambassador Bandar and his retainers both in London and Washington.
Osama bin Laden is on the Washington 10 Most Wanted List and has also offered $5,000,000 for his arrest. Osama is receiving large sums of money from the “elite of Saudi Arabia”. We do not know if these are predominantly disenchanted Saud family princes and/or the few wealthy “commoners” who do not like being under the yolk of the Saud family government. In any event these influential Saudi Arabian citizens want the US military garrisoned in Saudi Arabia out. Historians will be perplexed at how the Middle East and/or religious communities allowed Washington to garrison US military in an area so close to Mecca and Medina to protect an unpopular dictatorship. We believe if a vote were allowed of Arabian Peninsula citizens controlled by the Saud family, it would be overwhelmingly against the US military presence. We know one of the most undesired tours of duty for US military is Saudi Arabia. The US military in Saudi Arabia, as do the Saudi citizens, know they are there to protect the Saud family hegemony. The Saud family have demonstrated a clear and pervasive policy of demeaning US military personnel during Desert Storm as well as those presently billeted within Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Washington Embassy officials have repeatedly ridiculed families of US military personnel killed in Saudi Arabia. The US military must be taken out of Saudi Arabia before they are, yet again, sacrificed by Ambassador Prince Bandar’s Washington retainers. Osama bin Laden and/or his successors will always have an increase following within the Arabian Peninsula controlled by the Saud family until the US military is pulled out. It is senseless to allow Prince Bandar’s Washington retainers to again exacerbate a locally unpopular Washington policy and continue to jeopardize the lives of US military garrisoned in Saudi Arabia to protect his family dictatorship.
London Times reports: “Russian forces attacked rebels – Wahhabis under the leadership of Shamil Basayev, the Chechen warlord – in the villages of Ansalta, Rahata and Shodroda, just a few mile from the Chechen border. The Wahhabis are Sunni Muslims and the most militant of the groups opposing the Russians in the region.” S162 The Wahhabis are the same Moslem sect that is predominant in Saudi Arabia. What could be happening here is the developing of a tough battle hardened military force of Arabian Peninsula recruits which could internally challenge the corrupt degenerate Saud family government dictatorship in the Arabian Peninsula. Unfortunately, Bandar’s Washington retainers will most probably continue to meddle by ordering US military to intercede on behalf of the Saud family in an internal Saudi Arabian matter. London Times says: “A tiny minority is turning its back on what it sees as the corruption of elders and is espousing a radical form of Islam, Wahhabism, imported from Saudi Arabia and banned in Dagestan and Chechnya. Those few, equipped with guns and purist ideology, seized a few remote hill villages two years ago. Now, to the dismay of the Dagestani majority, they have won support from the radical, politicized, Wahhabi-sympathising warlords just over the border in the Chechen hills – and drawn down a massive military response from Russia.” S163 .
The Saudi Arabian Government has purchased an internet site named for the Saud family “royals”, thus further distancing them from the “commoners”. This site includes a “members only” area, similar to pornographic sites, which is only to be accessed by “royals”. This smacks of Marie Antoinette behavior and we all know what happened to her. At least the Saudi Arabian Government could do is buy a site for the “commoners”, as Adel Jubair calls himself and every other non-Saud family citizen. Perhaps for parity the site could be known as When are the citizens of the Arabian Peninsula controlled by the Saud family going to wake up?
Editor’s Note: At the time this article was written, this website was active and as described. is not responsible for maintaining websites that we may link to and do not own.
Although it is common for the US military to have web sites for the personnel, we do not believe these web sites should espouse questionable policy statements. Washington says: “ARCENT-SA represents one of three forward deployed elements in the Persian Gulf region from Army Forces Central Command / 3rd United States Army. Subordinate organizations to ARCENT-SA include deployed units rotating as task forces (TF) for various missions from home bases in the United States or Europe. Other units are stationed in Saudi Arabia with permanent personnel assigned primarily for command, control, and communications support for U.S. and Allied Forces including the Saudi National Guard.” S164 . The inclusion of supporting the Saudi National Guard allows Washington to intercede on behalf of the Saud family if their is an internal threat to their dictatorship of the region. This justification is similar to that used by Washington to support dictators throughout the world during the Cold War. We do not know if the site was created for the Saudi “royals” instant reassurance that the US military garrisoned in Saudi Arabia are protecting them or for some other public relations reason. We have been told moral among the US military personnel in Saudi Arabia is dismayingly low. We are told they read our web site. They know how the Saudi princes ridicule them and their presence while donating money to Osama bin Laden’s “Yankee-go-home” cause. Why does Washington allow Prince Bandar’s retainers continue to use the US military as cannon fodder.
US Army Forces Central Command – Saudi Arabia
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You are at: the web site for the soldiers and civilians of the Army located in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait providing force protection to allied forces against ballistic missile or aircraft attack.
Our Mission
The mission of the United States Army Forces Central Command — Saudi Arabia (ARCENT-SA), a major deployed subordinate element of the United States Army Forces Command (ARCENT) is to:
1 Provide antiballistic missile defense to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Emirate of Kuwait, and, on order, to other locations and allies in Southwest Asia using our Patriot Missile units.
2 Maintain a forward headquarters for coordination and interaction with our allies in the region to provide the support and assistance they request.
3 Exercise command, control, and force protection over assigned and attached Army forces in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
4 Provide installation services for Army and other U.S. forces and allied forces and agencies in Saudi Arabia.
5 Maintain liaison with principal military and civil organizations in the area of operations (AOR) for responsive support to meet their goals.
Our Organization
(click on the box above to see organizational chart)
ARCENT-SA represents one of three forward deployed elements in the Persian Gulf region from Army Forces Central Command / 3rd United States Army. Subordinate organizations to ARCENT-SA include deployed units rotating as task forces (TF) for various missions from home bases in the United States or Europe. Other units are stationed in Saudi Arabia with permanent personnel assigned primarily for command, control, and communications support for U.S. and Allied Forces including the Saudi National Guard.
Editor’s Note: Content above was copied from the described domain name and does not appear to be active any longer. The parent site can still be accessed here. At the time this article was written, this website was active and as described. is not responsible for maintaining websites that we may link to and do not own.
We previously reported the US and allied arms suppliers were putting V-Chips into computers of anything airborne they sold to Saudi Arabia rendering them useless given the proper satellite code. We now believe this V-chip has been incorporated into land use arms as well. This technology is currently being used commercially within the United States. Associated Press reports: “Auto dealer Mel Farr thought he’d found a way to sell cars to people with bad credit and protect his profits at the same time – a high-tech dashboard gizmo that prevents cars from starting if the customer is delinquent on payments. But now Farr, one of the nation’s biggest car dealers, is facing a lawsuit from two 21-year-old women who contend the On-Time Device shut their cars down while they were driving.” S165 . What will the Saudi Arabian Airforce pilots think when they find out they can drop from the sky at the activation of a Washington code. The only justification the Saud family has to purchasing armaments which can be rendered instantly useless by a satellite code is to appease London and Washington by purchasing unneeded if not useless arms from their influential arms merchants. This activity further siphons off the Arabian Peninsula oil reserves needed to pay for these arms.
The Saudi Arabian Government will not divulge the per capita income, profits from the Hadj and other pertinent statistics. We believe this is being done so as to conceal money stolen by the Saud family from the Arabian Peninsula oil reserves they control and devout Moslems. If the Arabian Peninsula citizens controlled by the Saud family with the aid of US military and devout Moslems ever became aware of their exploitation, perhaps there would be a general discontent.
Dear Reader:
Get the US military garrisoned in Saudi Arabia protecting the Saud family out. If Washington wants to bomb Iraq let them use aircraft carriers. Prince Bandar’s Washington retainers have no justification for interfering with the citizens rights of the Arabian Peninsula by using US military to defend the unpopular Saud family dictatorship. Our up -in-coming press conference at the National Press Club is contingent on certain events in Saudi Arabia.
We have received many communications from Moslems who are reluctant to go to Hadj because they are disgusted with the Saud family who control it. We sympathize but regard it as an individual moral and ethical choice. In deference to the Islamic faithful, we do not comment on matters of a religious nature. When we do receive information of a religious nature we pass it on to those more qualified than us.
Herb Mallard
National Press Club member