Issue 28

Laws are spider webs, they hold the weak and delicate who are caught in their meshes, but are torn in pieces by the rich and powerful. — Anarcharsis, 1st century BC Scythian philosopher


The Guardian reports: “FBI and military intelligence officials in Washington say they were prevented for political reasons from carrying out full investigations into members of the Bin Laden family in the US before the terrorist attacks of September 11. US intelligence agencies have come under criticism for their wholesale failure to predict the catastrophe at the World Trade Centre. But some are complaining that their hands were tied. FBI documents shown on BBC Newsnight last night and obtained by the Guardian show that they had earlier sought to investigate two of Osama bin Laden’s relatives in Washington and a Muslim organisation, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), with which they were linked. The FBI file, marked Secret and coded 199, which means a case involving national security, records that Abdullah bin Laden, who lived in Washington, had originally had a file opened on him ‘because of his relationship with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth – a suspected terrorist organisation’. WAMY members deny they have been involved with terrorist activities, and WAMY has not been placed on the latest list of terrorist organisations whose assets are being frozen. Abdullah, who lived with his brother Omar at the time in Falls Church, a town just outside Washington, was the US director of WAMY, whose offices were in a basement nearby. But the FBI files were closed in 1996 apparently before any conclusions could be reached on either the Bin Laden brothers or the organisation itself. High-placed intelligence sources in Washington told the Guardian this week: ‘There were always constraints on investigating the Saudis’. They said the restrictions became worse after the Bush administration took over this year. The intelligence agencies had been told to ‘back off’ from investigations involving other members of the Bin Laden family, the Saudi royals, and possible Saudi links to the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Pakistan. ‘There were particular investigations that were effectively killed.’ … But as long as 10 years ago it was named as a discreet channel for public and private Saudi donations to hardline Islamic organisations. …There have been several grand jury investigations but no findings have been made against any of them.” A225 Washington special interests frequently corrupt the intelligence gathering efforts under the guise of national security. This in turn endangers the US military personnel put in jeopardy by false or denied information. The Bush, Saud and bin Laden families are longtime business associates going back before Iran Contra. The Saud family Washington retainers have a long documented litany of interfering with the US national security on behalf of the Saud and bin Laden families. It has been substantiated, despite US media disinformation, by international media that the bin Laden and the Saud family finance and frequently communicate with Osama bin Laden. Washington had probable cause to hold in custody the bin Laden family members who were in the United States 9/11/01. We believe an interrogation of bin Laden family members would have resulted in the true depth of those implicated. Instead, bin Laden family members were escorted by the Department of State out of the country. Who gave this order? Who denied the intelligence community the ability to interrogate them? Regarding the Saud family, Washington special interests continually tell the US establishment media to leave out vital information, under the rubric of national security , skewing the truth given United States citizenry. We are now witnessing US media disinformation on behalf of the bin Laden family. It is quite well known that Osama bin Laden communicates with his family in Saudi Arabia. MSNBC has aired a lengthy prepared piece on an alleged US friend of a bin Laden saying they are nice people and do not communicate with Osama. Larry King and CNN have done something similar. Who is responsible for this disinformation? Those in the Middle East know this is a misstatement of the truth. The Wall Street Journal reports: “Osama bin Laden’s family has long disavowed him. He is the only bin Laden on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of foreign companies and individuals engaging in undesirable activities. … The degree of the rift between Mr.bin Laden and his family is also coming under scrutiny. Last week, the FBI arrested an unidentified man at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport who was described in news reports as an associate of one of Mr. bin Laden’s brothers. Federal agents have also visited the Boston residences of several relatives. … Nevertheless, U.S. specialists believe there are personal contacts between Mr. bin Laden and some family members. “Some of the brothers keep in touch” with Mr. bin Laden, says Yossef Bodansky, staff director of a congressional task force on terrorism. “After all, they’re family.” However, Mr. Bodansky says, siblings don’t fund Mr. bin Laden, nor do they abet his alleged terrorist activities. The brothers “have no security- or loyalty-related problems” in Saudi Arabia, Mr. Bodansky says. … Binladin Group grew to become one of Saudi Arabia’s largest construction firms, building and maintaining mosques, roads, hotels and airports. The company grew through the good graces of both the Saudi royal family, which bestowed lucrative government contracts, and also of foreign corporations, for whom it became the local partner of choice. The ties were cemented during the Gulf War and after, when the group built an airstrip and barracks for U.S. troops.” A226 World Max reports: “An Islamic activist has revealed that the entire bin Laden family inside Saudi Arabia – including many of Osama bin Laden’s 27 brothers – actively support 17th son Osama … Bin Laden’s South Africa supporters in Durban also have boasted publicly how they frequently met Osama bin Laden in Saudi Arabia, where he holds regular lectures to initiates and maintains close ties with his entire bin Laden clan. This latest information from Durban conflicts with claims from American government sources that Osama bin Laden has been ‘estranged’ from his Saudi tribe for many years – and has in fact been living in Afghanistan. Evidence suggests that Osama bin Laden’s entire Saudi family backs his activities completely.” A227 The US taxpayers are formulating conclusions predicated upon disinformation. Again, who is behind the US media disinformation to US citizens?


In an interview Newsnight has uncovered a long history of shadowy connections between the State Department, the CIA and the Saud family . The former head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah is Michael Springman.

In Saudi Arabia I was repeatedly ordered by high level State Dept officials to issue visas to unqualified applicants. These were, essentially, people who had no ties either to Saudi Arabia or to their own country. I complained bitterly at the time there. I returned to the US, I complained to the State Dept here, to the General Accounting Office, to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and to the Inspector General’s office. I was met with silence.
By now, Bush Sr, once CIA director, was in the White House. Springman was shocked to find this wasn’t visa fraud. Rather, State and CIA were playing “the Great Game”.
What I was protesting was, in reality, an effort to bring recruits, rounded up by Osama Bin Laden, to the US for terrorist training by the CIA. They would then be returned to Afghanistan to fight against the then-Soviets. The attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 did not shake the State Department’s faith in the Saudis, nor did the attack on American barracks at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia three years later, in which 19 Americans died. FBI agents began to feel their investigation was being obstructed. Would you be surprised to find out that FBI agents are a bit frustrated that they can’t be looking into some Saudi connections?
I would never be surprised with that. They’re cut off at the hip sometimes by supervisors or given shots that are being called from Washington at the highest levels. A228

There is little wrong with the US intelligence community if their job is not thwarted by Washington special interests. The most effective CIA scenario is to have an informer in an organization and then give the informer “opportunities” that will eventually lead to his leading the antagonist organization. This necessitates eliminating informer competition, which includes killing. When another informer is considered more favorable the first may be eliminated. This game is very destabilizing but effective. It is believed that Osama bin Laden went “off the reservation”, in essence successfully turned on his handlers in Washington. This probably happened when he and al Qaeda became disgusted at the looting extent of Arabian Gulf oil reserves by the Saud family and their Washington/London retainers.


News Max reports: “The high-living daughter of one of Osama bin Laden’s brothers, who had an apartment just a mile from the Twin Tower blast site, unexpectedly left the country just weeks before her uncle gave the order to attack the U.S. ‘Wealthy 26-year-old party girl Wafah bin Laden lived in the lap of luxury, renting a huge $6,000-a-month loft in lower Manhattan that had a picture-postcard view of the Twin Towers,’ reports the National Enquirer this week. But when the tabloid sought an interview with Wafah, she was nowhere to be found. ‘Wafah’s in Europe,’ her house-sitting friend explained. ‘She left a few weeks before the (the attacks), going to Switzerland,’ another source told the tabloid. The curious timing of Wafah’s departure left her friend dumbfounded. ‘It makes you wonder whether (Wafah) had any advance word of what was coming down,’ she said. ‘In the weeks before, she was busy cutting a record at her own expense at a Manhattan recording studio,’ the friend said. ‘While she is a college student in New York, she is eager to be a pop star.’ The bin Laden chum said Wafah had spent ‘an outrageous amount of money’ trying to get her record produced. But she fled the city at the moment she seemed to be on the on the verge of accomplishing that goal. Why she left town before finishing it is a mystery,’ the friend explained. The bin Laden niece wouldn’t have been the only family member to get a heads-up on the single most dastardly peacetime attack in world history. Just before Wafah’s uncle gave the order to incinerate the Twin Towers, he called his stepmother Al-Kalifa bin Laden in Syria.’In two days you’re going to hear big news, and you’re not going to hear from me for a while,’ he told her. The call was reportedly intercepted by a foreign intelligence service, which later shared details with U.S. authorities. Still other bin Laden family members apparently knew of the warning, confirming the Sept. 9 call in interviews with investigators. ‘(A senior foreign) official, speaking on the condition of not being named, said the account (of the call) was obtained through an interrogation of Mr. bin Laden’s extended family in Saudi Arabia,” the New York Times reported Tuesday. News of the last minute contacts between Osama and one or more relatives flies in the face of bin Laden family claims that they had ‘disowned’ him and had him stripped of Saudi citizenship in 1994. The bin Laden family is one of the most powerful and wealthy families in Saudi Arabia. It’s unclear whether any of the bin Ladens who knew of Osama’s warning were among the 24 family members who were evacuated from the U.S. a week after the attacks at the request of Saudi ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan. The FBI was apparently ordered to let bin Laden’s relatives escape despite growing concerns that they may have known something about his plans. A source at Boston’s Logan Airport, where both the bin Ladens and the terrorist hijackers departed a week apart, told the Boston Globe that federal investigators were ‘all over’ their private jet before it took off. The Justice Department has also subpoenaed the banking records of the American branch of the bin Laden family.” A229 Washington had probable cause to hold in custody the bin Laden family members who were in the United States 9/11/01. We believe an interrogation of the bin Laden family members would have resulted in the true depth of those implicated, especially in Washington. Instead, these 24 bin Laden family members were escorted by the Department of State out of the country despite efforts to question them. Who gave this order? Who denied the intelligence community the ability to interrogate them? It seems that the “special relationship” given by Washington to the Saud family also covers bin Laden family members. What is more remarkable is that this “special relationship” status contravenes US national security allowing those with it to be above all laws of the United States. Washington continually tells the US establishment media to leave out vital information which would alter the attitudes of the United States citizenry. We are now seeing disinformation coming from Washington regarding the bin Laden family. It is very imprudent state of affairs for any country to allow such a policy.


The Israeli lobby takes care of it’s own. This cohesiveness within the Jewish community is only to be admired. Whenever Jews are threatened, witness Iran and Syria, the Jewish community comes to their aid in a no nonsense fashion. A reliable source has said selected members of the Jewish community working in or near the WTC were told hours before: “Don’t go to work on Tuesday.” We surmise Israeli intelligence knew, as they did the US Marine barracks in Beirut, but we do not know the complete alert procedure used. We have also heard from several Middle East sources that a number of Arab men working in or near ground zero were said to have been told to “be out of town” before and after 9/11/01.


Many of those who shorted the world markets before 9/11 were those who Osama and al Qaeda consider their enemy. Millions were made by those who knew. World Max reports: “Russian press accounts this summer indicate the Russians knew in advance that something would happen to America – including a ‘financial attack’ against the U.S. During a three-month period prior to Sept. 11, Russian economists were encouraging citizens to cash out U.S. dollars pending an economic collapse there after an ‘attack’.” A230 An infamous Texas family known for implementing various scams is on record as having shorted international markets just before 9/11/01. The same names keep on popping up in the US scandals related to the Saud family. Several unindicted principals in the Iran Contra and S&L conspiracies are said to have shorted international markets just before 9/11/01. It seems these conspirators constantly plum the Saud family/Washington scams waiting to invest monies. Reliable Middle East sources have told us Saud family members shorted international markets but to what extent is not known. Both Morgan Stanley and Marsh & McLennan had extensive offices at the WTC. Who shorted their stocks just before 9/11/01? Who shorted various airlines stocks just before 9/11/01? The SEC is investigating this scandal but we expect the results to be “inconclusive” and the investigation shut down. Washington special interests continually tell the US establishment media to leave out vital information under the excuse of “national security”. The truth would alter the attitudes of the United States citizenry. We expect the US media to cower yet again but we put our hopes with international media investigations. As a secondary media source we, yet again, will assist them.


A former White House Staff member for two presidents recently said: “Millions of Americans who could not be bothered to see or think beyond the ends of their noses … In the wake of this awful assault on America, there will set in a sobering awakening by the American people. It will begin with parents frightened at what perils might befall their children and go on to a critical reexamination of what quality of education those youngsters have been receiving. It will spread to a wary assessment of what Americans can believe, and what they cannot, that is beamed out to them by an elitist news media that have not dealt straight with them. It will cause Americans to look with gimlet eyes upon any politician who says, “Trust me.” A231 We are seeing by the tenor of the above articles that Washington is starting “damage control”. Washington cannot afford to have the US taxpayers told by Osama bin Laden or other high level al Qaeda members who was involved. They must be either executed outright or quieted, hence a planned secret trial. The Guardian reports: “Constitutional lawyers and civil liberties groups have reacted with concern to the new directive from US president George Bush that allows the use of military courts for the trial of suspected terrorists. Legal experts warned that the order, which would apply both to Osama bin Laden and to foreigners arrested for terrorist offenses in the US, would be viewed with suspicion throughout the world. The order precludes the possibility of trial by an international tribunal.” A232 If the extent of the connivance ever gets out it will dwarf both the S&L and Iran Contra conspiracies. Again, if successful, the conspirators will not be prosecuted and get to keep the money.


BBC News reports: “Some, like Faisal, an Omani merchant, worry that America is failing to learn the lessons from those attacks. He says the West needs to solve Muslim grievances, such as those of the Iraqis and the Palestinians, or else the threat of terrorism will never go away. ‘If it’s true that Osama Bin Laden did the things that happened in New York and they catch him and kill him, and they don’t look for the reason why this happened, if they don’t sort out the main problems in the world, then there will be many more people like Bin Laden to follow,’ said Faisal.” A233 It is believed that Osama through the inside knowledge of his family knew of and was disgusted with the various exploitations allowed the Saud family in their “special relationship” with Washington. These “above the law” corruptive excesses have cost concerned Arabian citizens, US military personnel and US taxpayers dearly. The members of the bin Laden family who were assisted by the Department of State in fleeing interrogation should be brought back to the US and interrogated by the pertinent law enforcement officials. Saud family Washington retainers will never let this happen.

Emails to the Editor


We are mad at chaos … in your news letter. She tells half sex story of saudi princes. Me and my friends are Philippino girls who work in saudi palaces and saw much things which are evil. Me and my friends see chaos … type girls come in palaces and have sex with princes and leave. They get paid and can leave or swaped around by princes. They are half story. Other half are sex slave children from Europe and US who cannot leave and not paid. They are always in security parts of palaces. It is just like you say about Sultan of Brunei and his sex slaves in the Life magazine picture. Saudi princes give boy and girl sex slaves to friends at there parties. There are foreigners including embassy people who go. Princes make little boy sex slaves into quears just like them. Many saudi princes are quears. We are sorry for mothers and fathers of sex slaves but we and our families get killed talking about it. Maybe you listen and do something. We trust you because you mention no names. We give you more information in future times.
We pray God bless for you to help saudi princes child sex slaves and there mothers and fathers.


This website is a complete joke and a lie. Without any proof you have made all these claims on the Saud family. How can someone such as King Fahd, go around printing thousands of copies of the Holy Quraan, build the mosques. And after that do something stupid as raping a french girl (as you have claimed). You portray it as if the Saud family is bad, and countries like the US Britan are good. Even though the US kills thousands of innocent people every year. I can say President George Bush has many sex slaves, and without any proofs. And expect people to believe me. THIS WEBSITE IS A GREAT LIE. And I don’t know why you have wasted your time, and what is your motive behind all these lies. And you show some stupid picture, where you claim this is where the sex slaves are kept. THEN TELL ME HOW DID ANYONE GET THE PERMISSION TO TAKE A PICTURE OF THAT PLACE. I KNOW SOME MEMBERS PERSONALLY OF THE SAUD FAMILY, AND I KNOW THEY ARE NOTHING LIKE THIS CRAP THAT YOU HAVE PORTRAYED THEM IN. ALL I AM SAYING IS YOU CAN’T JUST MAKE UP ALL THIS CRAP WITHOUT ANY PROOF. AND IF YOU CLAIM TO HAVE PROOF WHAT IS YOUR SOURCE THEN AND HOW?? DID YOU FIND OUT


We hope you get this by us using royal princes names. We send you emails for all royal princes .coms. We are saudi boys who just so happens like ecstasy because it stops feelings of nothing in front of our life. We see now blue ecstasy pils with stars of david on it in saudi. We dont like them if royal family sell to us to make us stupid. Can u tell us names of royal princes who own saudi drugs market? We think u are funny owning royal princes names. U are like rock stars to us. U people are good for us. U tell us truth.


Dear Sir,
As an Ex-pat who worked in Saudi Arabia for many years, I enjoyed reading your articles especially since some of my friends are in Saudi jails after “confessing” to so-called booze related attacks in Riyadh and Al Khobar. All of our colleagues know that the real perpetrators of these crimes were fundamentalist extremists and that the Saudi government were using innocent Westerners as scapegoats. It is therefore with great sadness that it appears that you have been silenced. The antics of the Saudi’s since September 11th,and the alleged nationalities of so many of the hijackers should have been enough to fill an issue by itself. So, what do we hear NOTHING , have you been gagged or just frightened off. A lot of people rely on you to show the truth about what really goes on in Saudi Arabia, don’t stop now.
Yours in anticipation,
The Truth Seeker.


Dear Sauduction:

I have a lot of respect for the journalistic profession which is why I’m angered by irresponsible, one-sided and self-serving ‘journalism’. The media ought not exist to push its own agenda. It’s suppose to empower people with the truth and not recklessly distort it. We both know that the majority of people do believe everything they read. They accept it without question. The lack of investigative journalism is shocking. I don’t know why I didn’t e-mail you when I first wanted to over a year ago. I really do love Sauduction. It’s not only informative, but also amusing to read how no amount of money in the world can buy class. Or common sense for that matter. I think a lot of people don’t want to hear the truth. At least not around here. Also regarding Osama: South Africa’s Islamic Propagation Centre International seems to be drawing a bit of attention. Apparently the bin Laden family donated millions to the Centre over the years. It used to be called the ‘bin Laden Centre’. The story is that the millions disappeared in 1996. Thankfully, no link has been found between the IPCI and Osama, but the investigation of the missing millions continues. Interesting story, I think.

On to another issue. Since the American government’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is in part to blame for the Sept 11 attacks, I am curious to know whether anyone has been allowed to bring this matter up publically at all. I hear that 2 American reporters were recently fired simply for criticizing the President (something which used to be a national pass time of sorts). I also saw an American actress and poet on local TV this week and she spoke of how nice it was to be away from America at this time when no one is allowed to speak their mind. So my question is this: what on earth is happening to free speech in America?
My exams are over and since then I’ve volunteered with a local Muslim group to go do aid work on the Pakistani Afghan border. I don’t know whether or not I’ll actually be going, but I’m on their list of people they can call up.

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work. You guys are truly ‘lifting the veil’.



Thank You. I am an American citizen living/working in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I’ve also lived/worked in the Eastern region. It has always been considered that the Saudi royal family was a bit eccentric and tended to misallocate or not allocate funds fairly/proportionately to the Saudi general population. This has even been noted in the US Embassy’s “Commercial Report 2001”. Interestingly, your site has brought to light even a darker side to the royal family’s excesses. Your site is very good in that it details the royal family’s misdeeds quite well. I will refer it to individuals sympathetic to my cause. If I can contribute to your cause, please let me know. Conversely, if there is information you have that can contribute to my cause, please let me know.
Good Luck in Your Endevours.


Dear Sauduction,
We are challenging the legitimacy of the Saud family as protectors of the two Holy Places in our Islamic Studies programs. We wish to use your internet newsletter in our learning. Can you supply us with your footnote publications as well as things which you have decided not to publish? We are very interested in the names of Bandar’s Washington retainers you mention. Are they the same people the Shah used?
May God be with you and your group.

Dear readers:

We mentioned that we would give the readership a brief observation of the opaque world of Washington/Saud family scams. In Washington parlance the schemers are known as beltway bandits or Potomac pirates. They act in an above-the-law cavalier fashion while consuming all of the amenities of Washington privileges. Their greed is boundless with anonymous and distant victims legion. The “special relationship” scams are just but one in their bag of tricks to disgorge monies, especially from foreigners, while jeopardizing US national security. The Saud family have a similar cast of characters operating the corridors of power in London, Berlin, Stockholm, Cairo et al. These are the real enemies not only of the Islam but of the world.

We now see evidence the Washington disinformation spin doctors are working overtime. They are attempting to keep the international media from the true extent of their implications. It is amusing watching them use the same scenarios used successfully with the Washington Iran Contra and S&L inquiries, or lack thereof. In fact, as we have mentioned, some of the same players have profited from shorting the markets just before 9/11/01. The above and future information will allow our readership to watch as the scheme to control the investigations unfolds. They have grown wealthy at successfully doing such in the past and most probably will increase their estates with present WTC scams at the expense of the US citizens, particularly those whose family members were killed on 9/11/01. We are distinctly concerned to see if the Saud family is continued to be allowed to deny the FBI the ability to conduct proper investigations into the various killings of US citizens, including WTC.

A few years ago we sponsored a press conference for the US parents of children kidnaped to Saudi Arabia. Both parental and non parental abduction parents participated. The most perturbing story was divulged by a US grandmother who had both a grandson and granddaughter kidnaped to Saudi Arabia as sex slaves. The son escaped but would not appear at the press conference because he did not want to personally divulge the rapes and other atrocities committed upon his person in front of media cameras. His sister is still a sex slave in Saudi Arabia. The US Department of State, yet again, would neither confirm nor deny the detention. All of the parents are ignored by Congress, presumably because of the Saud family “special relationship” status and the influence of Ambassador Prince Bandar’s retainers. We have the videos of this press conference available to responsible media representatives. Unfortunately, we do not have enough for all our readership in that it would be prohibitively expensive. We have been approached again by US parents of kidnaped children in Saudi Arabia who would like to have another press conference because of the international press coverage given the Saud family after 9/11/01.

We congratulate Adel Jubair in his new position as Crown Prince Abdullah’s foreign AFFAIRS adviser. In essence, Adel will be the key Saudi Arabian Government figure implementing foreign AFFAIRS . We have been watching Adel successfully attempt juggling both his educational, embassy commitments and social life while in Washington. If his dissertation is on contemporary Saudi/Washington relationships, it would be a must to read given his delicate position of power. Oh yes, as a self professed commoner, it would be interesting to know what he thinks of his career shelf-life now that his royal bosses are scurrying off to Switzerland.


Herb Mallard
National Press Club member